Weatherhaven engineers, manufactures, and installs fully equipped mobile field hospitals, designed to address specific levels of medical care and operational requirements. Whether you need 10 hospital beds, or hundreds of beds and specialized medical equipment, our complete mobile medical facilities are engineered to function within remote locations for commercial, military, and emergency response applications.
First aid shelters are an essential, and mandatory, feature of any code-compliant workforce camp. Portable triage centres may also be required for immediate medical care, minor surgery, or to stabilize patients before evacuation to larger medical facilities.
A comprehensive medical setup is crucial when responding to natural disasters, civil unrest, or warfare. Using a combination of expandable containers and fabric shelters, Weatherhaven's Level I, Level II, and Level III mobile medical facilities enable full medical care within militaries and government agencies around the world.
Weatherhaven's first aid and triage shelters are the first stop to receiving, diagnosing, and treating patients. Redeployable and with ample floor space for various configurations, these shelters function much like a doctor's office with basic medical care:
- Doctors and nurses can assess patients, assign treatment priorities, and initiate medical documentation.
- Patients with severe illnesses or injuries are stabilized until their transfer to a medical facility with surgical and patient-holding capabilities.
During military missions and civilian emergency response, a full surgical setup is crucial. To properly treat patients, doctors and nurses need a temperature-controlled, hygienic, and fully enclosed medical complex:
- Our shelters link to each other, or to a central corridor, to form a completely contained facility.
- Patients and hospital staff are free to move throughout the surgical centre without exposure to weather, and with easy access from the central corridor (which can also be used for patient overflow and storage of equipment).
Weatherhaven's military field hospitals are configured to meet specific operational requirements and levels of care. From triage to resuscitation, surgery, and post-operative care, our Level III field hospitals are designed to deliver world-class medical care to military and government personnel, as well as the civilian population all around the world. We also offer camps for hospital staff, ablution/washhouses, kitchens, dining halls, and laundry, all of which can be housed in our softwall or expandable container shelters.
Weatherhaven provides an operating room shelter solution that no one else can. The patent-protected Extended Height Mobile Expandable Container Capability™ (EHMECC) extends an additional 4.5 feet in height, creating a spacious interior that allows extra head room, a higher hanging operating room lamp, and a climate-controlled working environment. Learn more about Weatherhaven's military medical shelters.
Our team is equipped to handle all your mobile field hospital needs, from initial hospital design, to shipping logistics and installation, equipment, and repair and overhaul. Tell us your needs and we'll work with you to deliver a redeployable shelter capability that fits your unique requirements.

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We provide everything you need to complete your project or mission while living and working in our turnkey shelter systems. From need assessment and shelter design, to installation and equipment, we'll handle all your mobile shelter needs.