Begin Operations

Began operations in Canada, serving the expedition and mining exploration markets
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Weatherhaven is a world leader as a designer, manufacturer and installer of portable turnkey shelters, camps and field hospitals, as well as being an in-service support provider.
Founded in 1981 in British Columbia, Canada by the owners of a world-renowned expedition company and an exclusive Vancouver-based construction company, Weatherhaven has grown into a global company focused on multinational projects.
From our origins in serving the expedition and mining exploration markets, Weatherhaven's products and services are best showcased in installations that face challenging transportation logistics in remote and extreme environments, or require a high degree of mobility, performance and utility with a focus on sustainable environmental development.
From the commercial market, Weatherhaven transitioned into supporting government and non-government agencies, as well as domestic and international militaries with peacekeeping missions around the world with its camp and medical capabilities. For the last several years, Weatherhaven has been listed as one of the top defence companies in Canada for our work and product innovation in the military sector.
Since entering the commercial, military, and medical fields, we have focused on developing custom and leading-edge shelter solutions with turnkey options, energy efficiency, re-deployability, and integrated camps and shelter systems. Weatherhaven is proud to continue evolving our product line along with changing societal demands, and staying true to our roots as a dynamic, creative, and agile company.
Weatherhaven is an ISO 9001:2015 registered company for the Design, Development, Manufacturing, Installation and Servicing of Redeployable Shelter Systems
Began operations in Canada, serving the expedition and mining exploration markets
Secured first contract with the Canadian military and launched first helicopter maintenance shelter (MEX-26)
Installed first camp in Antarctica using the Polarhaven shelter and subsequently secured contracts with more than 10 countries
Received first United Nations contract, redeploying an Arctic camp to the demilitarized zone between Kuwait and Iraq, marking a partnership with the U.N. that continues today
Provided first MECC units to US Natick Labs and the Canadian Coast Guard
Deployed 1,400-person Relocatable Temporary Camp (RTC) set to Kosovo
Supplied 2,200-person Camp "Julien" for Afghanistan to support Canadian Forces
3,100 person Peru Navy Emergency Camps delivered
Ray Castelli appointed CEO of Weatherhaven, the beginning of a new era
Canada awarded Medium Support Vehicle System (MSVS) program for baselines shelters to DEW Engineering and teaming partner Weatherhaven
Received a Standing Offer (SOA) softwall Field Hospital Shelter contract in Australia surpassing 11 international bidders
Supplied emergency response shelters for United Nations and Brazil relief efforts in Haiti
Named as one of the Top 50 Canadian defence companies by Canadian Defence Review magazine for the first time
Received contract from Boeing for 24 MSVS Baseline Special Equipment Shelters (SES) kits for Chinook helicopter CH-147 maintenance
Ranked 2nd in BC Business Magazine Innovator of the Year
Tactical Redeployable Expandable Container Capability (TRECC) patent filed
Weatherhaven awarded Canada's Headquarters Shelter System (HQSS) Acquisition and ISS Contracts for $167M CDN
Weatherhaven field hospitals in Chile and Latin American help with the COVID-19 Pandemic
Tell us your needs and we'll work with you to deliver a redeployable shelter capability that suits your operation.
Contact Us